Two Entrepreneurs, One Love Story: 40 Years of Life and Business with EnJoy
EnJoy Founders Kevin Joyce and Martha Enson on their wedding day, in 2014 and a few years back at their 40th wedding anniversary party.
Love, laughter, and work/life balance
At EnJoy Productions, partnership is at the heart of everything we do. And for us - husband and wife duo Martha Enson and Kevin Joyce - that partnership extends far beyond the stage, the boardroom, or the rehearsal hall. It’s in the little things: the shared creative sparks, the inside jokes that still make us laugh, and the endless quirks that somehow, miraculously, balance each other out.
After 40+ years of marriage, we’ve learned that love isn’t just about romance—it’s about resilience, humor, and knowing when to step in (or step back). It’s about building a life together that’s full of art, adventure, and the occasional battle over a stubbornly squished dish towel.
So, in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we offer you this window into what being partners looks like at our house. It’s a love letter to a lifetime of shared chaos, creativity, and commitment.
Take a peek, and maybe you’ll see a little bit of your own love story in ours.
EnJoy founder Kevin Joyce on dog duty.
A Love Poem
"What being partners looks like in our house"
by Martha Enson
I think I should start this out with a list poem, which is pretty much what it sounds like.
It would be:
1. We met in Maine when we were 18 & 19 at a party called “The Summer of Love”
2. We have a similar default speed – FAST. Likely the result of workaholic parents (all 4) and generalized terror. We’ve learned to make it work for us sometimes.
3. We have had 5 dogs and one child together. Don’t know what that says.
4. We live together, work together, we often run together, we love to cook together, we watch things together and create things together.
We still think things are funny together.
5. There are some things that Kevin does that make me crazy
He never washes the silverware – like it’s invisible
He loses everything. No, really. Everything.
He squishes the dish towel into the stove door so tightly that you CAN’T get it out
6. Here’s what’s great - since I’m writing this, he can’t actually tell you all the things that I do which make him crazy (like how I lick envelopes, or heel stamp when I’m mad, or how I can always find everything. No, really!)
7. We have lived together since college (minus the years we were in Europe with other people) and we moved to Vashon in 1989 and never left. What’s great about that is that the people we moved here with also never left so we have the most extraordinary community here. I say that because I’m pretty sure that’s one of the reasons we are still together.
8. We have created a business together which has thrived and grown and changed, and in between we have continued to make music and theater and community, and to teach and write.
9. Undoubtedly our best move has been having a child together, because not only is she an extraordinary human, but wow...If you really want to see what you are made of – have a kid! Of course, there are lots of other tests like sailing around the world together, climbing Mt Everest, or running for a political office. You do you!
10. Someone told me recently that the idea that a monkey would eventually type Hamlet is a crock, but I would say that the odds of 2 people as driven, available, neurotic, optimistic, creative and absurd as we are actually finding each other and having the stamina, teachers, support, patience, humor, therapists, serendipity and luck to stick it out in a creative mode for over 40 years has got to be as rare as the monkey/Hamlet thing.
11. While I am writing this Kevin is on the phone with T-mobile trying to figure out why our internet is not working...again. He’s been at it (muttering and sighing) for over 90 minutes. There are many reasons to love this man. I think I’ll stick it out.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
What does love look like in your world? If you feel inspired, comment with your own “list poem to love” - whether it’s about a partner, a friend, a family member, or even a beloved pet. Just hit reply to this email and share your words with us. We can’t wait to read them!
Wishing you all love, laughter, and just the right amount of quirkiness this Valentine’s season.
Martha & Kevin
EnJoy Founders with their daughter.